The biggest thing I don't get about it is why people talk about getting wasted and partying until you pass out? Why in the world would you want to start off your year like that? I get the celebration part, but it bugs me how people need to get trashed to have fun or to start their year. I dunno, it's just always got me.
I can't forget the topic of resolutions. They're a stupid list of things you want to achieve in the new year. No one ever follows through with them anyway. The most common thing I hear from everyone on each January 1st is "This year I'll actually do my resolutions!" Haha, we all know you won't. The way I think of it is, why do you need January to improve? I mean just because it's the start of the year doesn't mean everything's gonna become good all of a sudden & you're going to improve everything. It is all just an excuse to continue your bad habits until January.
What bugs me even more than resolutions and the talk of getting wasted is the way people say Happy New Year. They make it plural, so it's "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Ahhhhh!!! It just gets on my nerves. 'Cause it's like they're talking about more than one year. Also It's hard to say it without making it plural. So I don't know if I am saying it right by making it plural or not? Hmmm, now I just killed m night thinking about it, but it's sooooo annoying. & I don't even know if I should capitalize it when I sat "the new year" so please don't take points off for that Mr.Fielder. (:
What I'm trying to get at here is people make the new year sound glamourous and everything is just automatically gets better after the clock strikes twelve. In reality though, the new year is nothing more than the new year. And a new year is just a brand new revolution around the sun. Nothing special. It makes me have so many questions about the whole controversy of the new year, and why people act like there's so much to it.
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