Thursday, September 24, 2009

Better Be Prepared

The sound of my alarm at its highest is what wakes me up this morning. So many questions go through my head, but then I realize only one thing...TODAY IS MY FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL! I jump out of bed like a 5 year old who just saw candy. I am filled with a mix of anxiety and excitement to be a freshman. I could of swore I almost have a panic attack.
As I finish getting ready, I hear a knock at the door. I instinctively know it is my best friend Glevisa. I open the door and there she is with a smile on her face. I grab her arm and yell, "AHHH! We're gonna be in high school!" She replies with a look of entertainment on her face, "Wow Jos, you're not going to survive today." I laugh and say, "Whatever, let's get to the bus stop." As we get to the bus stop I have already made a fool of myself. When I get on the bus my heart starts racing as fast as it could. Once we get closer to the school I want to go back home as fast as I can.
My friends and I get off the bus and take a deep breath. They deny they are nervous, and they certainly don't show that they are as much as me. We walk up the stairs, go through the door, and suddenly all of my thoughts just ease away. My feet lead me to my locker and I know from then on everything would be alright. I guess orientation did me well because I know my way to all of my classes! There are so many people that go to Stevenson! When it's passing time I can't even breath because there are so many people in the halls, and there's a lot of traffic.
Throughout the day I come to realize that this is it; this is high school. My classes go by so slow that I find myself daydreaming about homecoming and what memories I will gain. Lunch came along, and luckily I have friends in my lunch! I went back to class and went on with my day and then suddenly, I'm taken by surprise when I hear the bell signaling at the end of 6th hour. I thought I was done, but I remembered I have a 7th hour! I thought, "Joy."
I was actually shocked to know that everything on my first day of high school went okay. I actually like it. In fact compared to middle school it's so much better. I really enjoy the freedom that we have, and the way everyone just minds their own business and just makes their way to class. I have my friends by my side, and I am ready for the next for years of it! Ithink i overreacted to the idea of taking a step forward. I guess I really am prepared.


  1. You're really good at using adjectives! And I like your use of dialouge. You're super good at writing.:)

  2. I really like the way you tell about your first day! You are really good at getting the reader to feel like there actually in your position!
